7 Ideas On How to Make Your Day Productive

Do you know the secret 7 things on how to make your day productive?

how to make your day productive

I don’t know if you ever had the feeling of being on a hamster wheel but you seem to be going nowhere, I know I have. I have also felt that I can’t find the motivation or energy to do anything. Every to-do takes a huge amount of energy no matter how big or small the tasks.

After taking some time to heal from burnout and having occupied a very demanding role professionally, I have experienced the overwhelm of having too much on my plate and having no energy or motivation to engage in everyday duties. Because of these experiences, I have learned the importance of creating a productive day and developing techniques to bolster your productivity. 

This post is all about how to make your day productive! 


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In our society, we think of productivity in a capitalistic sense. We say, how much work can I get done or how quickly can I get it done? I hate it. This idea abuses our human nature and constrains us to a limited definition of productivity. Even the most disciplined type-A, workaholics, suffer under this standard. Getting our professional work done is important. However, work is not the only contribution human beings make to society. Beyond that are the ways that you give of yourself, share in friendship, offer support, or even cook a lovely meal. These are all things that help make life rich and enjoyable and they are also ways to be productive.

During my time as a professional in education, I served in a very demanding role. I often had to work from home as the hours in the workday were not sufficient enough to complete my assigned projects. Perfecting strategies to best complete the things that were necessary for my work and to engage with those things that filled my cup was a must in order to succeed at that job. Over time, I have developed some effective time management skills that will help you structure your day for productivity.

After you complete a task on your to-do list, and you physically go to cross it off, you feel a sense of accomplishment and pride. I want to help you facilitate that experience. That way you get your work done and enjoy the things that fill your life.

{Related Post: Time Management As Wellness}

How to make your day Productive?

Are you feeling like you need to get stuff done today with little time or you’ve been in a slump and can’t seem to pull yourself out? These 7 steps give you exactly what you need to make your day productive.

Define what productivity is for you

Reflecting on the Past

When you say you want to be productive, what do you mean? Are you looking to cross tasks off your list for work? Maybe you are hoping to get some much-needed housework completed. Could it be that you need to make time to plan a hang-out with your friend group? Do you need to get self-care and wellness practices done? Whatever it is, identify what you are looking to produce. It could be one or a hodge podge of the items listed above. Defining your idea of productivity can be done by making a to-do list or setting your intentions at the start of your day.

This action is important because it forces you to consider what your priorities are. That way when distractions and interruptions arise you can pivot your attention back to your original focus. Taking the time to write your to-do’s down so that you can reach for them quickly when you’re stuck will help you to maximize the time you have producing, instead of thinking about what you should be doing. Another important aspect is keeping your mind focused on what you deem productive and not allowing anyone else to define that for you.

Go to bed early

Going to bed early will help you have the energy you need to conquer the day ahead. Have you ever heard the saying the secret to a successful day is a good night’s rest? This is true. When your body is depleted you will not be able to give your all to being productive. If there is something extra important or if the upcoming day is particularly more demanding make an effort to get in bed earlier than you normally would. How early depends on when you are desiring to wake up. If you want to wake up an hour earlier go to bed 75 minutes before you normally get to bed. If you’d like to wake up two hours earlier, try to get to be in bed 150 minutes earlier than usual. This way you give your mind and body some extra time to adjust to an earlier bedtime and wake-up time.

Start early with the 5-minute Journal

If you don’t have a 5-minute journal, what are you doing? No, seriously? This journal is the perfect way to set your intentions for the day. The 5-minute journal gives you a moment of introspection and an option to center yourself before dealing with the hustle and bustle of the day. After completing this journal you feel a sense of accomplishment and confidence with approaching your day. While you can engage in the practices of gratefulness and intention setting without the 5-minute journal, this journal is the perfect guide to maximizing your time with the most potent prompts. I keep this journal forever at my bedside. This will give you the direction you need to set your day on the right course in just about 5 minutes. Use this link to grab yours!


Make time to exercise. Even if you can only do 10 minutes, getting your heart rate up and blood flowing will help you feel accomplished and energized. Exercising will add another check to your to-do list while preparing you mentally and physically for your day. Some quick exercises you can do that can take under 10 minutes are jogging a mile, walking uphill on the treadmill, or climbing the stairs a few times. Cardio is a great way to work up a sweat quickly. Sacrifice some time for exercise and you have the energy you need to maximize your day.

Get Ready Early

After you’ve journaled and exercised, it is now time to prepare yourself for the day. Start your morning routine to prepare. Putting on your clothes and dressing will help you get in an active state of mind. Staying in your night clothes keeps you in a lounging state of mind. Dress rehearsals for actors are so important because costumes helps them embrace the full embodiment of their character. Similarly, getting dressed will help your mind leave the relaxed state and enter a productive state.  Getting ready early will help you get to work before everyone else. Giving yourself a headstart to cross tasks off of your to-do list will prevent you from being interrupted and distracted at the start of your day. 

Organize something

A quick win you can get when attempting to be productive is to straighten up a room or an area in your house. Taking time to clean up your space is not only productive but tidy and organized spaces also facilitate productivity. Set aside 15 – 20 minutes to get this done. You can run the dishwasher, start a load of laundry, put back clothes, or sweep your floors. Regardless of what you decide to do, your sense of accomplishment will skyrocket and you will feel like you can take on more complex tasks! Small wins snowballed will allow you to experience bigger wins down the road.

Review your to-do’s 

If you made a plan for the week using my time management activity book here, it is now time to review what you have to do for the day. Take 5 -10 minutes each morning to review what you need to do for the day. This will help you to orient yourself to what your priorities are. You can also use this time to set reminders for meetings or appointments that you have for the day. Reviewing your to-do list particularly if you made it the night before or earlier in the week, is critical to getting in the mind of the kind of day you need to lead. This is go time!  

Take breaks to refuel

I’m sure if society could find a way to make humans continuous producers, we would find a way to do it. For now, we need rest to refuel. Oftentimes we think about rest as a major vacation or holiday break, but if you want to be your most productive, you should find ways to incorporate rest throughout your day. Rest helps you to refresh your mind and return to your task with a fresh perspective. When you are working take scheduled breaks to go to the restroom, send a text, take a walk so that you can clear your mental space, and move your body. Incorporating these small actions into your agenda can help you optimize the time you spend completing your tasks.

This article is all about how to make your day productive.

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