Adulting is Hard – Here’s how to fix it!

Woman sitting down journaling

Adulting is Hard – Here’s how to fix it!

What is Adulting?

Oxford Languages defines adulting as the practice of behaving in a way characteristic of a responsible adult, especially the accomplishment of mundane but necessary tasks.

Adulting can be difficult because as adults we lack time, systems, motivation, money, and know-how. Adults also deal with a host of competing priorities, responsibilities, and obligations. 

Adulting is Hard – 5 ways to make it easier:

Begin a time accounting practice

that will allow you to determine where your time is going and where you can recoup it. The best practice I have to regain authority over my time is to schedule a meeting with myself weekly. That’s right! I make a calendar meeting to sit down with myself at the same time each week! In this session, I determine my priorities, essential tasks, and meetings/appointments/deadlines for the upcoming week. Throughout my professional career, I have developed a planning practice that has helped me to organize myself in a way that fits my exact needs. To get more insight into what this process is like,  check out my time management activity book here.

Systemize what you do to free up brain space! 

I wear a hair scarf at night to protect my hair from friction and dryness. There were many nights I could not find my hair scarf because I threw it wherever during my morning routine. I was often frustrated and would end up tearing through clothes and accessories. Only to find myself heightened and needing to clean up before bed. I decided to systematize my morning and evening routines by placing my scarf in the same place every morning so I knew exactly where to go to find it when I was ready for bed. Find ways to strategically place frequently used items so that they are at the ready when you need them. It is also beneficial to think about the order in which you conduct your business at home to structure your routines in a way that allows you to maximize the work you do.

Find rest and inspiration!

Adulting is hard. While it is a blessing to grow old, the day-to-day gets challenging! If you find yourself in a place where you are lacking inspiration and motivation, it could be that you have too much on your plate. Maybe that’s your schedule, your emotions, your mind, or even your responsibilities. Unburden yourself. A few ways I have learned to find rest is by taking time away from technology and social media, calling off of work, going for a walk in nature, binge watching shows while making dinner for myself. Life has a way of piling up, reclaiming your rest, and inspiration by making an intention to unburden yourself.

Cut your expenses and increase your income.

Financial stress is a monster. I have faced a number of seasons in my life where money was tight and it was not fun. Find ways to cut your expenses or increase your income to alleviate the stress you are experiencing. Cut your expenses by eliminating unnecessary subscriptions, reducing debt, and downsizing your house or car. You can increase your income by starting a side hustle like walking dogs or babysitting, try some gig eco work, or sell your old stuff on Poshmark. Soon, I’ll share more about my financial journey and the ways I was able to save the money I needed for a down payment on my home and to take several months off of work to recover from burnout.

Seek support and lean into the community.

There are times in life that are sudden, unfortunate, and tragic. When we lose a loved one, get an unfavorable health diagnosis, or have a breakup. Our lives can be shaken quickly and change fast. When moments like this arise lean into community and support to help you through. Have you fostered close relationships with friends and family, are you involved in social organizations, do you have a counselor that you can talk to when life gets dark? All these components may help you stay afloat when tragedy strikes.

Life is hard. Adulting doesn’t have to be. 


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