11 Simple, Affordable, and Convenient Ways You Can Improve Your Physical Self-Care

Want to know 11 simple, affordable, and convenient ways you can improve your physical self-care? Keep reading for easy and inexpensive ways you can take care of your outer shell, for the busy and budgeting person.

Physical self-care

As you may know, adulting can get expensive and time-consuming. Many of us juggle work, home, relationships, school, family, and friends. I would not doubt that you, who are reading this post, could probably add other things to this list. So, prioritizing physical self-care may be a want yet a fleeting reality.

As a grad student, full-time school leader, long-distance caretaker, and homeowner I have learned some physical self-care tips that I incorporated without spending a ton of time and breaking the bank.

This post will give you some of the best of my physical self-care ideas you can incorporate into your busy daily life without spending tons of money.


This post contains product affiliate links. As an Amazon Associate, I earn from qualifying purchases at no additional charge to you. All the products I mention here, are products that I have used, loved, and truly recommend!

As a proud 30-something, I have experienced life as a full-time grad student, full-time school administrator, and a long-distance caretaker. I have also experienced seasons in my life where I needed to conserve my finances so that I could meet my everyday needs and requirements. I understand what it means to go weeks and dare I say months without shaving (this is a safe space). I feel you when you talk about not having the time to go to the gym. I get it, when cooking a healthy meal is too time-consuming to attempt. Regardless, taking care of physical health is critical. Check out some of the benefits that I experienced from prioritizing my self-care practices.

Benefits of physical self-care:

  • Better appearance
  • Healthier Skin
  • Weight Loss
  • Confidence
  • Clearer mind
  • Sense of accomplishment
  • More energy

11 simple, affordable, and convenient ways you can Improve your physical self-care

11. Exfoliate in the Shower!

That’s right! I said it, exfoliate! Having an exfoliating tool in your shower is an amazing way to care for your skin. You have to take a shower anyway, well why not boost your routine by exfoliating once or twice a week to buff some dead skin away?  Here’s a pros and cons list of my top favorite exfoliating tools. You can also check out the benefits of exfoliating from resources, here.

African Bath SpongeReusable
No hard chemicals
Harsher scrub
Tree Hut Body ScrubSmells great
Gentle scrub
Exfoliating GloveReusable
No hard chemicals
Loses texture

10. Take Baths!

Okay, bathing relaxes my body so much! You can create a spa experience in your home. You have to clean your body anyway; turn one of your showers into a warm bath. To enhance the experience, dim the lights, light a candle, and then add some oils and salts to help you relax more. Many people swear by the benefits of frequent bathing. Some of these proclamations included increased metabolism, decreased stress, and better sleep. Bathing has been so relaxing and has provided me physical relief from the impact of stress. If you haven’t already try incorporating bathing into your physical self-care routine.

physical self-care

9. Shave!

I love getting waxed, however, full-body, half-body, and any body part waxes can become a huge expense. While I wanted to stay groomed in my intimates, I was challenged with the financials of being able to maintain regular appointments. I also had really bad experiences with certain blades that caused unbearable itching and ingrown hairs. After talking to a co-worker I decided to try the Flawless electric shaver. Since then, I have not looked at a waxing salon. Don’t get me wrong, I enjoy having the smooth exfoliated finish of a wax but I am focused on paying off my car, house, and student loans so saving money is a top priority. 

Shaver Comparison

Cartridge Razor (Flamingo)Electric Razor (Flawless)
Quality4.4 stars on Amazon4.2 stars on Amazon
LifespanReplace blade cartridge every 6-8 usesReplace head every 3-6 months
ConvenienceEasy travel
Replaceable blade cartridge
Easy Travel
Replaceable head
SustainabilityMade using recycled plasticNo soap or water need
RecommendationThis is my favorite cartridge razor and it does a great job of getting a close save in most areas!  This is my absolute favorite razor while the Flamingo gets a closer shave faster, this razor has been more versatile and I have been able to use it on every part of my body including my face!

8. Moisturize!

Moisturizing your skin is a must! I struggled with dry skin all around during the winter of 2022 and it was torturous. I couldn’t figure out why my skin was scaly, my heels were cracked and scratchy. 


This winter, I decided to focus on moisturizing and make a few slight tweaks to my shower routine to save my skin from suffering from dryness throughout the winter. First, I pat dry instead of rubbing down with the towel. This is much gentler on the skin. Additionally, I moisturize very quickly after getting out of the shower. I no longer allow my skin to dry completely. I moisture whilst it is yet damp so that I  can use my lotion to lock in the moisture from the water. This has worked wonders on the appearance and feeling of my legs. I‘ve also started using Aveeno lotion and I have not gone back since.

Hands & Feet

I pay special attention to lotioning my feet with palmer cocoa butter in the morning and in the evening and they haven’t been smoother. We will talk about this more in-depth in the next section but keeping your hands and feet moisturized and groomed can save you from the pain of a hangnail, cracked feet, splitting cuticles, and save you from the unsightly experience of rough hands and feet.


I keep lip balm everywhere! I keep it in my car, in my bags, next to my nightstand, and in the bathroom. This way you can prevent your lips from falling victim to the annoyance of dryness. A lip balm is always within reach, and your lips are constantly cared for. Here is a list of my favorite lip balms:



7. Hand and Foot Care at Home!

Ensuring your hands and feet are properly groomed can take 20 minutes a week and at a minuscule cost. Remove dirt and gunk, trim your nails, oil your cuticles, and remove any hanging skin. For your hands, wash them regularly throughout the day to keep bacteria and germs away. Use hand lotion to moisturize your hands so they don’t dry from frequent washing. Moisturizing your feet after showering and before bed has kept my heels from drying as well as staying smooth.

6. Use a Blender!

This is a newfound love I have acquired. Blenders have helped me save money, save time, and make healthier choices! Instead of ordering a smoothie via Doordash, add the ingredients of your favorite smoothie to your grocery list and blend it yourself.  I use my blender to make healthier choices like preparing wellness shoots, making homemade dressings, blending smoothies, and much more. Having a blender gives me more control over the ingredients that are in my food. I prepare what I need right at home using the resources that I have.

Here’s a recipe for my favorite burrito bowl dressing:
2 cups of Greek yogurt
Juice and pulp of 2 limes
¼ cup of chopped cilantro
1 sliced avocado
1 peeled garlic clove
salt to taste
Blend to desired consistency.

If you don’t already have a blender, check out the Ninja Blender. It is a wonder. I got this as a Christmas gift from my sister after ranting and raving about it for months. Truthfully, it sat unused for a year, but when I decided to supercharge my health journey, it stayed on my countertop as it is used very frequently. The cleanup is easy and the various blades, containers, and settings give me the option to blend or mix almost anything including whipped potatoes. Not to mention it has a 4.7 star rating on Amazon with over 30K reviews. This is the master of all blenders!

5. Excercise!

If you can afford a personal trainer, excellent! If you can afford a gym membership, great! If these things are convenient enough to stick with, splendid! The power of regular exercise can be immensely beneficial to your quality of life. However, for the busy and budgeting, getting a workout in can turn costly and inconvenient quickly. However, there are some ways you can still get a workout without breaking the bank and working it around your schedule.

  • Find a walking route that is directly connected to your house. Walking is a low-intensity workout that is cost-effective, convenient and has been shown to have many health benefits. 
  • Trying out some home workouts. Home workouts were a thing for me when I first relocated to New York. I worked out with a friend in my building using YouTube. Watching helped me to start and stay consistent with my daily workout journey. 
  • Invest in inexpensive cardio equipment to keep at home! While I don’t have any workout equipment in my home, I do have friends that use peltons and cardio equipment in their home and my apartment has a gym. The convenience of working out in your own home eliminates the convenience barrier significantly.

4. Make and Keep Your Health Appointments!

If you are privileged with health care, use it.  Check out this comprehensive list of screenings you should have and the frequency.

If you don’t have health care, check out this website to learn more about the options you have.

3. More Salads, Stir Fry, and Tacos!

I use these meals to introduce more vegetables into my diet. Fruits and vegetables are a great way to add nutrients to your diet. Instead of trying to figure out a complicated recipe for vegetable lasagna or casserole for each day of the week, grab some fresh veggies, chop them up, and blend your dressing to make a salad, stir fry, or taco. These are the easiest ways to get in some veggies and fruit in a fast and enjoyable way.

2.  Sleep Well!

Sleep has been said to impact your health, weight, skin, mood, and much more. Having a nighttime routine, a specific bedtime, and eating the right food before I begin my slumber has helped me to capitalize on my hours asleep. 

Tip 1

To prevent morning grogginess, I know that I must go to bed in enough time to have at least 7 hours of rest. That usually means I aim to be in bed by 11 pm. I am great at keeping this time because I hate being tired. How many hours do you need to go to sleep in order for you to feel rested? Consider what that means for the time you should be asleep. If you’re not like me and struggle to shut down, this next tip may help you. 


Develop a bed routine that helps you relax. Each night before bed I wash my hands and face, tie up my hair, and brush my teeth. I ensure my bed is clear and clean, I put on my night clothes, and I get in bed. Some nights I remember to bring a cup of water with me to enjoy through the night. While in bed, I read and complete my five-minute journal. Take some time to think of a nighttime routine you can follow to help you prepare to sleep well. Turn your attention away from your phone and other media to help calm your mind and body. I also try to keep my phone on a charger away from my bed so that I am not tempted to grab it to doom scroll.


You’ll get a much better sleep if your stomach is happy. I ensure not to eat anything too heavy that could cause any discomfort before I go to bed. Try not to eat a heavy meal right before bed. Give your body time to digest your last meal before sleeping.

{Related Post: 3 Essential Keys to Achieve Work-Life Harmony}

1. Drink Water!

Like sleep, incorporating a sufficient amount of water in your diet can be of immense benefit. There have been many claims that water helps to regulate body functions, improve skin appearance, help support digestion, and a myriad of other benefits. There are a few things I do to incorporate more water into my diet. 

physical self-care

Tip 1 – Fill up your water bottle. Taking the step to fill up your bottle, is the first step to meeting your water intake goals. This small step initiates the habit. Keeping your water bottle on your person so that it is within reach when you’re prompted to drink makes this habit even more convenient. If you don’t know, I swear by the Hydroflasks. My absolute favorite water bottle is the Hydroflask for a myriad of reasons. Most of all, this water bottle does not sweat or leak! That way, I’m not worried about putting it in my bag with my phone or tablet. 

Tip 2 – Another strategy I used to drink more water is to simply take the first sip. Taking the first sip of water encourages me to continue drinking throughout the day. I’m not sure what happened, but after I take the first sip, I keep sipping periodically until the water bottle is empty.

Tip 3 – I don’t buy any other beverages unless I’m treating myself while out to eat or an individually packaged beverage with 1-2 servings. This way I am not tempted to drink sugary beverages over water at home. Simply limiting access to other options makes water the most immediate and convenient option. I also have a Brio Water Dispenser that I love! This dispenser allows me to get water at any temperature fast. Additionally, I prefer spring water, so this dispenser allows me to enjoy spring water regularly without using water bottles.  If I want juice, I blend it myself!

If you are looking for affordable ways to improve your physical self-care, these 11 tips will help you bolster your routines and habits.

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